Bruno Castanié

Professeur - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse (INSA de Toulouse)
Membre du groupe Matériaux et Structures Composites (MSC)
Espace Clément Ader, 3 rue Caroline Aigle
31400 Toulouse
Activités de recherche :


  • Structures sandwichs : analyse non linéaire, impact, inserts, structures légéres aéronautiques.
  • Jonctions des structures stratifiées : Z-Pinning, Ruptures en offset, Pull-Through, Open hole, Bearing.
  • Structures raidies : décollement de raidisseur, calculs intensifs en postflambement.


  • Structures bois/composites : analyse statique et dynamique de sandwich avec âmes en contreplaqué,
  • Coordinateur ANR BOOST Acceptée en 2021.


  • Coordinateur ANR VERTEX Acceptée en 2012. Début 01/01/2013.
  • Membre du groupe du Projet « VIRTUOSE »


  • Effets des défauts d’ondulation
  • Modélisation du spring-back et de l’interaction moule/pièce.
  • Méthodologie de conception « GAP »

Thèses réalisées en collaboration avec Airbus, Airbus Helicopter, DGA, Dassault Aviation, Elixir Aircraft, Ségula technologies.


Activités d'enseignement :

Cours de Structures Composites 5A INSA, M2R, IPST CNAM, ISAE, Master Composite Albi

Cours D’éléments finis non linéaires et Abaqus

Responsable du master composite FRP++



Activités administratives de soutien à la recherche :



Autre :

Membre Editorial Board COMPOSITE STRUCTURES et COMPOSITE PART C (Editor in Chief : A.J.M Ferreira)

Contributing Editor of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures Journal (Editor in Chief : Erasmo Carrera)

International Editor Journal of Engineering and Technology  (Open acess journal founded by Malaysian Technical Universities Network (MTUN))




Production scientifique :
202 contributions trouvées

AnnéeTypeAuteurs et titre du documentLiens
2024 COM Bruno Castanié, Axel Peignon, Joël Serra, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel. INFLUENCE OF THE NUMBER OF PLIES ON THE STIFFNESS OF LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER ECCM21 – 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, Nantes (France), FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2024 COM Bruno Castanié, Pierre Journoud, Christophe Bouvet, Léon Ratsifandrihana. NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF WRINKLES ON THE RESIDUAL STRENGTH OF CURVED LAMINATES ECCM21 – 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, Nantes (France), FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2024 ACL Florent Grotto, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra. Numerical simulations and testing of notched composite plates under envelope loadings: Validation with the safe life domain method Composite Structures, Elsevier, 340, p.118191 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2024 COM Axel Peignon, Joël Serra, Arthur Cantarel, Florent Eyma, Hajer Hadiji, Rémi Curti, Bruno Castanié. Sur la caractérisation mécanique des interfaces du contreplaqué. On the mechanical characterization of plywood interfaces 3éme conférence des Eco-Matériaux en Afrique, CEMA 24, Libreville, GA [HAL] / [BIB]
2024 ACL A. Peignon, J. Serra, A. Cantarel, F. Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Toward the modelling of laminated veneer lumber stiffness and the influence of the number of plies Wood Science and Technology, Springer Verlag, 58(3), p.1111-1139 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2024 COM Christophe Bouvet, Pierre Journoud, Bruno Castanie, Léon Ratsifandrihana. Effet d'ondulations hors-plan sur la rupture d'une cornière sous sollicitation de dépliage 16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures, Giens, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2024 COM Purith Polnikorn, Philippe Olivier, Bruno Castanié, Bernard Douchin. Basic characterization of the CF-PEKK prepreg and laminates for low temperature applications ESAFORM 2024, p.399-410, Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2024 AP Bruno Castanié, Ramesh Agarwal, Sandip Kale, Shanmugam Thillikkani. Processing and Application of Engineering Materials 980 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2024 ACL B. Castanié, A. Peignon, C. Marc, F. Eyma, A. Cantarel, Joël Serra, R. Curti, H. Hadiji, L. Denaud, S. Girardon, B. Marcon. Wood and Plywood as eco-materials for sustainable mobility:a review Composite Structures, Elsevier, p.117790 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2024 ACL Bruno Castanié, Jean-Charles Passieux, Jean-Noël Périé, Christophe Bouvet, John-Eric Dufour, Joël Serra. Multiaxial loading of aeronautic composite structures at intermediate scale: A review of VERTEX developments Composites Part C: Open Access, Elsevier, p.100439 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2024 ACL H. Hadiji, J. Serra, R. Curti, D. Gebrehiwot, Bruno Castanié. Characterization of mode II delamination behaviour of poplar plywood and LVL Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier, p.104354 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2024 ACL Muritala Arowolo, Wiyao Azoti, Bruno Castanié. Comparative study of the thermomechanical properties of natural fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites: a structural application for quadcopter design Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 COM Axel Peignon, Joël Serra, Gelard Léo, Arthur Cantarel, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Evaluation du taux de restitution d'énergie en mode I d'un LVL de peuplier 12èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois » (2023), à paraître, Limoges, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2023 ACL Romain Guélou, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié. Static and dynamic crushing of sandwich tubes with composite skins and three plywood cores (poplar, birch, and oak) International Journal of Crashworthiness, Taylor & Francis, p.1-22 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 COM Axel Peignon, Bruno Castanié, Eyma Florent, Arthur Cantarel, Joël Serra. Mechanical characterization and modelling of poplar plywood. Caractérisation mécanique et modélisation du contreplaqué de peuplier JNC23 : Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2023, Besançon (France), FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2023 ACL Florent Grotto, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra. Experimental behaviour of aeronautical notched carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic panels under combined tension-shear-pressure loadings Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier, 146, p.107075 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL M. Ginot, C. Bouvet, B. Castanié, M. d'Ottavio, Joël Serra, N. Mahuet. Local buckling on large sandwich panels applied to light aviation: Experimental and computation dialogue International Journal of Solids and Structures, Elsevier, 268, p.112170 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL Florent Grotto, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra. Design and Testing of Impacted Stiffened CFRP Panels under Compression with the VERTEX Test Rig Aerospace, MDPI, 10(4), p.327 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL M. Ginot, C. Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra, N. Mahuet. Local buckling on large sandwich panels used in light aviation Composite Structures, Elsevier, 304(Part 1), p.116439 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL Axel Peignon, Joël Serra, L. Gélard, Arthur Cantarel, Florent Eyma, B. Castanié. Mode I delamination R-Curve in poplar laminated veneer lumber Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL P. Journoud, C. Bouvet, B. Castanié, L. Ratsifandrihana. Effect of defects combined with impact damage on compressive residual strength in curved CFRP specimen Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier, 184, p.110484 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2022 COM Florentin Berthet, Alvine Njionhou, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. EFFECT OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON IMPACT ON COMPOSITES AND COMPRESSION AFTER IMPACT ECCCS 2022 - 2nd European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures, Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Florent Grotto, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra. Structural testing of impacted stiffened panels on the VERTEX test rig 2nd European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures ECCCS2, Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Joël Serra, Antoine Trellu, Christophe Bouvet, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié, Léon Ratsifandrihana. Damage tolerance analysis of impacted composite structures subjected to multiaxial loadings 2nd European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures ECCCS2, Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Bruno Castanié, Romain Guélou, Arthur Cantarel, Samuel Rivallant, Florent Eyma. On the crashworthiness properties of plywood. SECOND EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON CRASHWORTHINESS OF COMPOSITE STRUCTURES (ECCCS-2), Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 ACL P. Journoud, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, L. Ratsifandrihana. Numerical analysis of the effects of wrinkles in the radius of curvature of L-shaped CFRP specimens on unfolding failure Composite Structures, Elsevier, 299, p.116107 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2022 COM Bruno Castanié. Wood as a sustainable material for transportation industry. 25th International Conference on Composite Structures. ICCS-25, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Bruno Castanié, Axel Peignon, Arthur Cantarel, Florent Eyma, Joel Serra. Mechanical characterization and modelling of poplar plywood. 25th International Conference on Composite Structures. ICCS-25, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Romain Guélou, Florent Eyma, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié, Arthur Cantarel. Static and dynamic crushing of sandwich tubes with a birch core and carbon skins 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20), 6 p., Lausanne, CH [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Bruno Castanié, Lerdwongpaisan Arnon, Philippe Olivier. Effect of release agent on process-induced deformation in autoclave curing of laminate composites 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20),, 8 p., Lausanne, CH [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Malo Ginot, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, Mahuet Nicolas. Structural testing of local buckling for the design of sandwich aircraft structures 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20), 9 p., Lausanne, CH [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, Joël Serra, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel. Le bois, un matériau pour la mobilité durable? 2éme Conférence sur les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique – CEMA’2022, Saly, SN [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, Joël Serra, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel. Le bois, un matériau pour la mobilité durable ?. Wood, a material for sustainable mobility? 2éme Conférence sur les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique – CEMA’2022, Saly, SN [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 COM Joel Serra, Antoine Trellu, Christophe Bouvet, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanie, Léon Ratsifandrihana. Prédictions numériques de la tolérance aux dommages d'impact d'une structure composite soumise à des chargements complexes 15ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 ACL F. Neveu, C. Cornu, P. Olivier, Bruno Castanié. Manufacturing and impact behaviour of aeronautic overmolded grid-stiffened thermoplastic carbon plates Composite Structures, Elsevier, 284, p.115228 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2022 ACL R. Guélou, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié. A comparison of three wood species (poplar, birch and oak) for crash application European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Springer Verlag [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2022 ACL Pierre Journoud, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Léon Ratsifandrihana. Experimental analysis of the effects of wrinkles in the radius of curvature of L-shaped carbon-epoxy specimens on unfolding failure Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 158, p.106975 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2022 ACL Pierre Journoud, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Leon Ratsifandrihana. Experimental and numerical compressive tests on curved laminate structures with embedded wrinkles Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis, p.1-21 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL Joel Serra, A Trellu, Christophe Bouvet, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié, L Ratsifandrihana. Combined loadings after medium velocity impact on large CFRP laminated plates: Discrete ply model simulations Composites Part C: Open Access, Elsevier, 6 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL Romain Guélou, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié. Dynamic crushing of wood-based sandwich composite tubes Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis, p.1-21 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL R. Guélou, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié. Static crushing of wood based sandwich composite tubes Composite Structures, Elsevier, 273, p.114317 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL M. Ginot, Michele d'Ottavio, Olivier Polit, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Benchmark of wrinkling formulae and methods for pre-sizing of aircraft lightweight sandwich structures Composite Structures, Elsevier, 273, p.114387 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 COM Romain Guélou, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno Castanié, Samuel Rivallant. Caractérisation de tubes sandwichs bois-carbone pour des applications de crash. Characterization of wood and carbon sandwich tubes for crash applications JNC 22 – Conférence virtuelle – 28 - 30 juin 2021, Besancon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Florent Grotto, Joel Serra, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Essais structurels de grandes plaques composites entaillées sous cisaillement et pression combinés. Structural testing of large notched composite specimens under combined shear and pressure JNC 22 – Conférence virtuelle – 28 - 30 juin 2021, Besancon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Ginot Malo, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, Mahuet Nicolas. Analyse du flambage local des structures sandwich appliqué aux avions légers. Local buckling analysis of sandwich structures in light aircraft JNC 22 – Conférence virtuelle – 28 - 30 juin 2021, Besancon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Pierre Journoud, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, Léon Ratsifandrihana. Etude de l'influence d'ondulations hors-plan sur la rupture d'une cornière sous sollicitation de flexion quatre points. Effect of wrinkles on the residual strength of L-shape specimen under four point bending test JNC 22 (22es Journées Nationales sur les Composites ), Besançon ( Conférence virtuelle ), FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Bruno Castanié, Malo Ginot, Christophe Bouvet. On the efficiency of some analytic wrinkling models 24th International Conference on Composite Structures Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Bruno Castanié, Pierre Journoud, Christophe Bouvet, Léon Ratsifandrihana. Failure simulation of four point bending CFRP laminate specimen including wrinkles 24th International Conference on Composite Structures Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Florent Grotto, Joël Serra, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Structural testing of large notched composite specimens under combined shear and pressure 24th International Conference on Composite Structures Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Bruno Castanié, Romain Guélou, Arthur Cantarel, Samuel Rivallant, Florent Eyma. Wood as a structural material for transportation industry: Past example and recent advances 24th International Conference on Composite Structures Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Lerdwongpaisan Arnon, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Olivier. Experimental Study on the Out-of-Plane Deformation of Symmetrical Flat Laminate Composites Manufactured through Autoclave Process 24th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS24) Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM Joël Serra, Antoine Trellu, Guillaume Pichon, Christophe Bouvet, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié, Léon Ratsifandrihana. From small coupons to mid-scale impacted specimens, how to predict laminate failure? 10th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification, Lille, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 ACL Laure Moretti, Philippe Olivier, Bruno Castanié, Gérard Bernhart. Experimental study and in-situ FBG monitoring of process-induced strains during autoclave co-curing, co-bonding and secondary bonding of composite laminates Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 142 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL R. Guélou, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié. Crashworthiness of poplar wood veneer tubes International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier, 147, p.103738 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 ACL Bruno Castanié, Victor Achard, Clément Chirol. Effect of milled notches on the strength of open hole, filled holes, single and double lap shear CFRP tension coupons Composite Structures, Elsevier, 254, p.112872 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 ACL Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, Malo Ginot. Review of composite sandwich structure in aeronautic applications Composites Part C: Open Access, Elsevier, 1 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 ACL Matteo Filippi, Enrico Zappino, Erasmo Carrera, Bruno Castanié. Effective Static and Dynamic Finite Element Modeling of a Double Swept Composite Rotor Blade Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vertical Flight Society, 65(3), p.1-12 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 ACL Juan de Dios Rodríguez Ramírez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Insert of sandwich panels sizing through a failure mode map Composite Structures, Elsevier, 234 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 ACL Antoine Trellu, Guillaume Pichon, Christophe Bouvet, Samuel Rivallant, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra, Léon Ratsifandrihana. Combined loadings after medium velocity impact on large CFRP laminate plates: Tests and enhanced computation/testing dialogue Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier, 196, p.108194 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 ACL Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Damage Mechanics Modelling of the shear nonlinear behavior of Nomex honeycomb core. Application to sandwich beams Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis, 27(1) [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 ACL Laure Moretti, Bruno Castanié, Gérard Bernhart, Philippe Olivier. Characterization and modelling of cure-dependent properties and strains during composites manufacturing Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 54(22), p.3109-3124 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 ACL Juan de Dios Rodríguez-Ramírez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. On the potting failure of inserts for sandwich panels: Review of defects and experimental analysis Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis, p.1-19 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 COM Philippe Olivier, Laure Moretti, Bruno Castanié, Léonard Serrano, Gérard Bernhart. Implementation of a Simulation Tool of Strains Induced During the Co-bonding of Autoclave-cured Parts ASC 2019 - 34th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Atlanta, US [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 ACL Pierre Journoud, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Frédéric Laurin, Léon Ratsifandrihana. Experimental and numerical analysis of unfolding failure of L-shaped CFRP specimens Composite Structures, Elsevier, 232, 111563, p. 1-13 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 COM Joël Serra, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Large damage tolerance analysis with the VERTEX multiaxial test rig New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, Tucson, US [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 ACL John Susainathan, Florent Eyma, Emmanuel de Luycker, Arthur Cantarel, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Experimental investigation of compression and compression after impact of wood-based sandwich structures Composite Structures, Elsevier, 220, p.236-249 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 COM Laure Moretti, Bruno Castanié, Gérard Bernhart, Léonard Serrano, Philippe Olivier. Mise en place d'un outil de simulation des déformations induites lors du co-collage de pièces composites en autoclave. Implementation of a simulation tool of cure strains induced during theco-bonding of composite parts in autoclave JNC21 : Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2019, 10 p., Bordeaux, Talence, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 COM Romain Guélou, Florent Eyma, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, John Susainathan. Développement et caractérisation d'éco-structures composites à base de bois. Development and characterization of wood based eco-structures composites 21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Bordeaux, Talence, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 COM Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Insert sizing of sandwich panels by means of a failure mode map MECHCOMP 5 International Conference on Mechanics of Composites 5, Lisboa, 1 - 4 July 2019, Lisboa, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 ACL Florian Neveu, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Olivier. The GAP methodology: A new way to design composite structures Materials & Design, Elsevier, 172, p.107755 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 ACL John Susainathan, Florent Eyma, Emmanuel de Luycker, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno Castanié. Numerical modeling of impact on wood-based sandwich structures Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 ACL Laurent Mezeix, Simon Dols, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Paul Giavarini, Natthawat Hongkarnjanakul. Experimental analysis of impact and post-impact behaviour of inserts in Carbon sandwich structures Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, SAGE Publications, 21(1), p.135-153 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 ACL Miora Ramanakoto, Tahiana Ramananantoandro, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Visuo-tactile and topographic characterizations of finished wood surface quality by French consumers and industrials: acceptability thresholds for raised grain Annals of Forest Science, Springer Nature (since 2011)/EDP Science (until 2010), 76(1), p.26 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2018 COM Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Shear nonlinear behavior of the Nomex honeycomb core 12th International Conference on Sandwich Structures (ICSS-12), Lausanne, CH [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 ASCL Bruno Castanié. An aeronautics and space-oriented research group JEC Composites Magazine, JEC Group, p.41-47 [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM Joël Serra, Jean-Emmanuel Pierré, Jean-Noël Périé, Jean-Charles Passieux, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Caroline Petiot. Validation of aeronautic structures by single multiaxial testing ECCM18 - European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, GR [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Virtual testing of metallic inserts for sandwich structures 18th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 18), Athens, GR [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM Laure Moretti, Gilles Dusserre, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Olivier. Analysis of the influence of the adhesive on process distortions of the co-bonded stringer foot specimens ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, 8 p., Athènes, GR [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM Miora Ramanakoto, Florent Eyma, Tahiana Ramananantoandro, Jeremy Geisler, Bruno Castanié. Caractéristiques des surfaces du bois poncé pour une finition performante et durable MUGV & Manuf'21, Bordeaux, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM John Susainathan, Florent Eyma, Emmanuel de Luycker, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno Castanié. WOOD-BASED COMPOSITE SANDWICH STRUCTURES ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, p.24 - 28, Athènes, GR [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM Juan de Dios Rodriguez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Continuum Damage Modeling of Shear Postbuckling in Honeycomb Core ICMAMS 2018 First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Torino, IT [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 ACL Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Experimental and numerical analysis of the shear nonlinear behaviour of Nomex honeycomb core: Application to insert sizing Composite Structures, Elsevier, vol. 193, pp. 121-139 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2018 ACL John Susainathan, Florent Eyma, Emmanuel de Luycker, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno Castanié. Experimental investigation of impact behavior of wood-based sandwich structures Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, vol. 109, pp. 10-19 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2017 ACL Joël Serra, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Caroline Petiot. Experimental and numerical analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer notched coupons under tensile loading Composite Structures, Elsevier, 181, p.145-157 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2017 COM Joël Serra, Jean-Emmanuel Pierré, Jean-Noël Périé, Jean-Charles Passieux, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Experimental and numerical analysis of notched CFRP composites under multiaxial loadings ICCS20 - 20th International Conference on Composite Structures, Paris, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Analysis of nonlinear behavior on honeycomb cores 21st International Conference on Composite Materials ( ICCM 21 ), Xi’an, CN [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Florian Neveu, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Olivier. Nouvelle méthodologie de conception pour les structures composites Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2017, 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Joël Serra, Jean-Emmanuel Pierré, Jean-Noël Périé, Jean-Charles Passieux, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Modélisation d'essais structuraux sur plaques entaillées Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2017, 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Joël Serra, Jean-Emmanuel Pierré, Jean-Noël Périé, Jean-Charles Passieux, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Sur le dialogue essais-calcul dans les essais structuraux complexes 13e colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, Var, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Joël Serra, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Caroline Petiot. Etude expérimentale et numérique de la propagation de coupure dans des stratifiés composites soumis à de la traction simple 13e colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, Var, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 ACL Cyril Sola, Bruno Castanié, Laurent Michel, Frederic Lachaud, Arnaud Delabie, Emmanuel Mermoz. Bearing fatigue of composite laminates: Damage monitoring and fatigue life prediction Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier, 110, p.487-496 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2017 ACL M. Fiorina, A. Seman, Bruno Castanié, K. M. Ali, C. Schwob, L. Mezeix. Spring-in prediction for carbon/epoxy aerospace composite structure Composite Structures, Elsevier, 168, p.739--745 [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Joël Serra, J.-E. Pierré, Jean-Charles Passieux, Jean-Noël Périé, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, C. Petiot. The VERTEX program: complex loading and validation of aeronautic composite structures International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM 21),Xi'an China, August 20-25, Xi'an, CN [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 ACL Joël Serra, Jean-Emmanuel Pierré, Jean-Charles Passieux, Jean-Noël Périé, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Validation and modeling of aeronautical composite structures subjected to combined loadings: The VERTEX project. Part 1: Experimental setup, FE-DIC instrumentation and procedures Composite Structures, Elsevier, 179, p.224-244 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2017 COM M. Ramanakoto, Florent Eyma, T. Ramananantoandro, J. Geisler, Bruno Castanié. Finishing of wood machined surfaces. Which characteristics for which performance? 23rd International Wood Machining Seminar, Québec, CA [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Shear testing of honeycomb cores for inserts International Conference on composite Structures (ICCS 20), Paris, 4-8 septembre 2017, Paris, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 INV Bruno Castanié. Discrete modeling strategies for aeronautic composite structures: from failure scenario to certification International Conference on composite Structures (ICCS 20), Paris, 4-8 septembre 2017, Paris, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Florian Neveu, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Olivier. A NEW PRE-DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR INNOVATIVE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM 21),Xi'an China, August 20-25, 2017, Xi'an, CN [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 COM Joël Serra, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, C. Petiot. DISCRETE PLY MODELLING OF NOTCHED CFRP PLATES UNDER TENSION International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM 21),Xi'an China, August 20-25, 2017, Xi'an, CN [HAL] / [BIB]
2017 ACL John Susainathan, Florent Eyma, Emmanuel de Luycker, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno Castanié. Manufacturing and quasi-static bending behavior of wood-based sandwich structures. Composite Structures, Elsevier, 182, p.487-504 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2017 ACL Joël Serra, Jean-Emmanuel Pierré, Jean-Charles Passieux, Jean-Noël Périé, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Caroline Petiot. Validation and modeling of aeronautical composite structures subjected to combined loadings: The VERTEX project. Part 2: Load envelopes for the assessment of panels with large notches Composite Structures, Elsevier, 180, p.550-567 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2016 COM Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Mathieu Deloubes, Jean-Paul Giavarini. Enhanced nonlinear insert model 19th International Conference on Composite structures, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 ACL Joël Serra, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Caroline Petiot. Scaling effect in notched composites: The Discrete Ply Model approach Composite Structures, Elsevier, 148, p.127-143 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2016 COM Joël Serra, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Caroline Petiot. Scaling effect in notched composites: the Discrete Ply Model approach ECCM17 - European Conference on Composite Materials, Munich, DE [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 ACL Loïc Bernard, Guilhem Michon, Rached El Fatmi, Bruno Castanié. Static and dynamic analysis of bending–torsion coupling of a CFRP sandwich beam Composite Structures, Elsevier, 145, p.26 - 36 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2016 ACL Cyril Sola, Bruno Castanié, Laurent Michel, Frederic Lachaud, Arnaud Delabie, Emmanuel Mermoz. On the role of kinking in the bearing failure of composite laminates Composite Structures, Elsevier, 141, p.184-193 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2016 COM John Susainathan, Florent Eyma, Emmanuel de Luycker, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno Castanié. IMPACT BEHAVIOR OF WOOD-BASED SANDWICH STRUCTURES International Conference on Sandwich Structures, Floride, US [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 COM Bruno Castanié. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES IN AERONAUTICS: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE The 5th Burapha University International Conference 2016, July 28-29, Pattaya, Thailand,, Pattaya, TH [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 COM L. Bernard, Bruno Castanié, Guilhem Michon. Dynamic bending-twisting coupling of an horizontally graded CFRP sandwich beam 11th International Conference on Sandwich Structures ICSS-11, Florida, US [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 COM S. Dols, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, L. Mezeix, J.-P. Giavarinni. POST-IMPACT BEHAVIOR OF INSERT IN SANDWICH STRUCTURES 11th International Conference on Sandwich Structures ICSS-11, Florida, US [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 P M. Ramanakoto, Florent Eyma, T. Ramananantoandro, J. Geisler, Bruno Castanié. Collage et finition des surfaces bois usinées. Quelles caractéristiques pour quelles performances? 5èmes Journées scientifiques du GDR 3544 Sciences du bois, Bordeaux, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 COM J.P. Susainathan, Florent Eyma, Emmanuel de Luycker, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno Castanié. Experimental investigation on impact behaviour of wood-based sandwich structures Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials (ICILSM 2016), Turin, IT [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 COM Bruno Castanié. Safety failure envelops to validate composite structure Proceedings of ICCS19 19th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 P Bruno Castanié, Juan de Dios Rodriguez-Ramirez, Christophe Bouvet, Jean-Paul Giavarini. Calcul des inserts de structures sandwichs : état de l'art et perspectives SUPMECA Assemblages mécaniques - Evolutions récentes et perspectives 2015, Saint-Ouen, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 ACL M. Haddad, Redouane Zitoune, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Influence of Machining Process and Machining Induced Surface Roughness on Mechanical Properties of Continuous Fiber Composites Experimental Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 55(3), p. 519-528 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2015 COM L. Bernard, Guilhem Michon, Bruno Castanié, R. El Fatmi, V. Negre, D. Reveillon. Analyse Dynamique et Statique du Couplage Flexion-Torsion d’une Poutre Sandwich JNC 19, Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Lyon, France, Lyon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Y. Aminanda, K. Mansur Ali, M. Nasir, M. Nazreen, A. Rivai, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Olivier. Spring-back Prediction of CRFP Composite Laminate Ribs Conference on Advances in Composite Materials and Structures, Istanbul, April 2015, Istanbul, TR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, C. Petiot, Joël Serra. Discrete Ply Modelling analysis of notched CFRP under tension ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto, June 15-17 2015, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 ACL Soraya Catche, Robert Piquet, Frederic Lachaud, Bruno Castanié, Audrey Benaben. Analysis of hole wall defects of drilled carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 49(10), p.1223-1240 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2015 COM Bruno Castanié. THE VERTEX PROJECT: COMPLEX LOADING ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION OF COMPOSITE STRUCTURES Proceedings of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto, June 15-17 2015 2015, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM M. Ramanakoto, Florent Eyma, T. Ramanantoandro, Philippe Gallien, Bruno Castanié. Wood surfaces characteristics for an acceptable bonding strength 22th International Wood Machining Seminar, Québec, CA [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 ACL L. Mezeix, A. Seman, M. N. M. Nasir, Y. Aminanda, A. Rivai, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Olivier, K. M. Ali. Spring-back simulation of unidirectional carbon/epoxy flat laminate composite manufactured through autoclave process Composite Structures, Elsevier, 124, p.196--205 [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 P Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, C. Petiot, Joël Serra. Analyse du comportement en traction de stratifiés composites entaillés en utilisant la corrélation d'images ainsi que le suivi infrarouge Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2015, Villeurbanne, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM C. Sola, Laurent Michel, Frederic Lachaud, Bruno Castanié, A. Delabie, E. Mermoz. BEARING RESPONSE OF CFRPs : COMPARATIVE STUDY OF WOVEN AND UD FABRIC QUASI ISOTROPIC LAMINATES UNDER STATIC AND FATIGUE LOAD Proceedings of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto, June 15-17 2015 2015, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM V. Achard, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Modélisation Discrète de la Rupture des Stratifiés Composites Trouée Carbone 22éme Congrés francais de mécanique, Lyon 24-28 Aout 2015, Lyon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM V. Achard, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. Discrete ply modelling of failure scenario of open-hole tensile test Proceedings of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto, June 15-17 2015 2015, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Bruno Castanié, J.D.D. Rodriguez Ramirez, Christophe Bouvet, J.-P. Giavarini. Calcul des inserts de structures sandwichs : état de l'art et perspectives. Les assemblages mécaniques : Evolutions récentes et perspectives. 1 et 2 juillet 2015, Supméca Saint-Ouen, Saint-Ouen, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Bruno Castanié, Alain Daidié, Christophe Bouvet, Victor Achard, Louis Adam. Application de la méthode de modélisation discrète des plis aux problématiques d'arrachement et de rupture trouée des structures stratifiées. Les assemblages mécaniques : Evolutions récentes et perspectives. 1 et 2 juillet 2015, Supméca, Saint-Ouen, France, Saint-Ouen, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM C. Sola, Laurent Michel, Frederic Lachaud, Bruno Castanié, A. Delabie, E. Mermoz. Comportement en matage de stratifiés quasi-isotropes à renforts tissés ou quasi-UD. JNC 19, Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Lyon, 29 Juin-1er juillet2013 2015, Lyon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, C. Petiot, Joël Serra. Digital Image Correlation and Thermography analysis of notched CFRP under tension ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto, June 15-17 2015, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 P M. Ramanakoto, T. Ramananantoandro, J. Geisler, Bruno Castanié, Florent Eyma. Caractérisation de l'état de surface du bois usinée pour un collage acceptable 4èmes Journées scientifiques du GDR 3544 Sciences du bois, Clermont Ferrand, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 ACL Ahmed Abbadi, Laurent Michel, Bruno Castanié. Experimental Analysis of Debonding of Skin/Stringer Interfaces under Cyclic Loading and Ageing Advanced composites letters, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 23(6), p.142-148 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2014 ACL Victor Achard, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Clément Chirol. Discrete ply modelling of open hole tensile tests Composite Structures, Elsevier, vol. 113, pp. 369-381 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2014 COM S. Adam, L. Mezeix, A. Rivai, Y. Aminanda, Philippe Olivier, Bruno Castanié, K. Ali Mansour. Experimental and analytical study of flat laminate composite spring-back manufactured through autoclave process Computational and experimental methods for composite materials and structures, Harbin (China), September 2014, Harbin, CN [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM V. Achard, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, C. Chirol. Failure analysis of open hole tensile specimens with discrete ply modelling International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, Draf 2014, Ischia (Italy), Ischia, IT [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM L. Bernard, D. Cornette, V. Nègre, B. Kerdreux, Bruno Castanié, Guilhem Michon. Couplage Aéroélastique Flexion-Torsion de Pale d’Hélicoptère ViSHNO XIXth - VIbrations SHocks and NOise (Aix en Provence, Fr), Aix en Provence, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM Christophe Bouvet, Samuel Rivallant, J.-J. Barrau, N. Hongkarnjanakul, Bruno Castanié, H. Abdulhamid, T. Lisle, E. Abi Abdallah, B. Ostre, S. Petit. Discrete ply modelling of impact and compression after impact on composite laminates Workshop « New modelling strategies of damage and failure of composites structures: a breakthrough in composite sizing », Toulouse, France, 30 June - 1 July, Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM L. Mezeix, M.N. Nasir, L. Aminanda, A. Rivai, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Olivier, K. Ali Mansour. Spring-back prediction through numerical simulation for composite manufacturing using autoclave process Computational and experimental methods for composite materials and structures, Harbin (China), September 2014, Harbin, CN [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 ACL Madjid Haddad, Redouane Zitoune, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Study of the surface defects and dust generated during trimming of CFRP: Influence of tool geometry, machining parameters and cutting speed range Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 66, p.142--154 [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 ACL Robert Piquet, Frederic Lachaud, Soraya Catché, Bruno Castanié. Tolérance aux dommages de perçages dans les assemblages boulonnés composites Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés = Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials, IIETA, 24(4), p.481--493 [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 ACL Madjid Haddad, Redouane Zitoune, H. Bougherara, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Study of trimming damages of CFRP structures in function of the machining processes and their impact on the mechanical behavior Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier, 57, p.136--143 [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 ACL Ludovic Barrière, Steven Marguet, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Cresta, Jean-Charles Passieux. An adaptive model reduction strategy for post-buckling analysis of stiffened structures Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier, 73, p.81-93 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2013 COM Florentin Berthet, Alvine Njionhou Kepnang, Bruno Castanié. Influence géométrique de la présence de fils de couture sur la perméabilité d'un stratifié. Influence of stitch thread on permeability of a laminate JNC 18 - 18èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, 9 p., Nantes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM Ludovic Barrière, Steven Marguet, Philippe Cresta, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Charles Passieux. Décomposition de domaine et réduction de modèle: stratégie de résolution pour le post-flambement local des structures raidies 11e colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 ACL Alvine Njionhou, Florentin Berthet, Bruno Castanié. Effects of process parameters on the mechanical properties and morphology of stitched and non-stitched carbon/epoxy liquid resin-infused NCF laminate, out of autoclave and out of oven International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer Verlag, 65(9-12), p.1289-1302 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2013 COM M. Haddad, Redouane Zitoune, H. Bougherara, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Influence of trimming process on the surface quality and on the mechanical behavior of CFRP structures. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials., Montréal, CA [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM N. Cadorin, Redouane Zitoune, Francis Collombet, Bruno Castanié, M. Seve. Influence of cutting parameters and wear in drilling of 3D wowen carbon/epoxy composite 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 19, 2013 Montréal, Canada, July 28, August 2, Montréal, CA [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM M. Haddad, Redouane Zitoune, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Influence du procédé d'usinage sur l'usinabilité et le comportement mécanique de pièces composites JNC 18, Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Nantes, 12-14 Juin 2013, Nantes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 P L. Barrière, Jean-Charles Passieux, Steven Marguet, Bruno Castanié, P. Cresta. Adaptive Model Reduction for Local Post-Buckling Analysis 2nd International Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD model (Blois, Fr), Blois, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM L. Barrière, Steven Marguet, Jean-Charles Passieux, Bruno Castanié, P. Cresta. Modeling strategies for postbuckilig of large stiffened structures ICCS 16, Intenational Conference on Composite Structure, June 17-20, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM N. Cadorin, Redouane Zitoune, Bruno Castanié, Francis Collombet, M. Seve. Etude expérimentale de l'influence des paramètres de coupe et de l'usure de l'outil sur la qualité de percage d'un composite tissé 3D. JNC 18, Journées Nationales sur les composites, Nantes, 12-14 Juin 2013, Nantes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM Bruno Castanié, S. Crézé, J.-J. Barrau, L. Risse. Offset Failure in Filled Hole Compression Tests 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 19, 2013 Montréal, Canada, July 28, August 2., Montréal, CA [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 CO Bruno Castanié, Yulfian Aminanda, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Pascal Thevenet. Discrete Modeling of the Crushing of Nomex Honeycomb Core and Application to Impact and Post-impact Behavior of Sandwich Structures [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 ACL Redouane Zitoune, N. Cadorin, Bruno Castanié, M. Sève. Perçage d’un matériau composite tissé 3D : Influence des conditions d’usinage et de l’usure de l’outil sur les efforts de coupe et la qualité d’usinage Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés = Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials, IIETA, 23(3), p.387--404 [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 ACL Madjid Haddad, Redouane Zitoune, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Machinability and surface quality during high speed trimming of multi directional CFRP International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, Inderscience, 13(2/3), p.289 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2013 COM S. Dols, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, L. Mezeix, J.-P. Giavarini. Experimental analysis of impact and pull-through after impact in insert in sandwich structures 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS 16, Porto, June 17-20, 2013, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 O Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, D. Guedra-Degeorges. Structures en Matériaux Composites Stratifiés [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM S. Dols, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, L. Mezeix, J.-P. Giavarini. Impact et tenue résiduelle des inserts de structures sandwichs JNC 18, Journées Nationales sur les composites, Nantes, 12-14 Juin 2013, Nantes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 CO M. Haddad, Redouane Zitoune, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Influence of Tool Geometry and Machining Parameters on the Surface Quality and the Effect of Surface Quality on Compressive Strength of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic [HAL] / [BIB]
2012 ACL Louis Adam, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Alain Daidié, Elodie Bonhomme. Discrete ply model of circular pull-through test of fasteners in laminates Composite Structures, Elsevier, vol. 94, pp. 3082-3091 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2012 ACL Louis Adam, Alain Daidié, Bruno Castanié, Elodie Bonhomme. Application of high-performance computing to a bolt static tensile test International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Springer Verlag, 6(3), p.195-203 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2012 ACL Alvine Njionhou, Florentin Berthet, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Relationships between LRI process parameters and impact and post-impact behaviour of stitched and unstitched NCF laminates Applied Composite Materials, Springer Verlag (Germany), vol. 19, pp. 885-899 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2012 COM L. Barrière, Steven Marguet, Bruno Castanié, P. Cresta. A Computational Strategy For Post-buckling Analysis Of Large Stiffened Structures ICAS 2012, 28th International Congress Of The Aeronautical Sciences. Brisbane, Australia, 24-28 September 2012, Brisbane, AU [HAL] / [BIB]
2012 COM M. Haddad, Redouane Zitoune, Florent Eyma, Bruno Castanié. Effect of Machining Parameters on high speed trimming of CFRP 15th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS, Venice, IT [HAL] / [BIB]
2012 O S. Abrate, Bruno Castanié, Y. Rajapakse. Recent advances in dynamic failure of composite and sandwich structures [HAL] / [BIB]
2012 COM Bruno Castanié, Y. Aminanda, C. Schwob. Modelling Of Impact On Sandwich Structure For Fast Maintenance Loops ICAS 2012, 28th International Congress Of The Aeronautical Sciences. Brisbane, Australia, 24-28 September 2012., Brisbane, AU [HAL] / [BIB]
2012 COM Bruno Castanié, Jean-François Ferrero. Nonlinear Response of Symmetric Sandwich structures Subjected to in-plane loads ICSS 10, 10th International Conference On Sandwich Structures. Nantes, France, 27-29 August 2012, Nantes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 ACL Javier Toral-Vasquez, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Nicolas Swiergiel. Multi-level analysis of low-cost Z-pinned composite joints: Part 2 : Joint Behavior Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 42(12), p.2082-2092 [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 COM K. Alvine Njionhou, Florentin Berthet, Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet. Etude du comportement à l'impact et en compression après impact des stratifiés infusés cousus et non-cousus 17èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC17), p.32, Poitiers-Futuroscope, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 COM Soraya Catché, Robert Piquet, Frederic Lachaud, Bruno Castanié, A. Bénaben. Influence de l'état de surface du trou après perçage sur le comportement en matage de matériaux composite à fibres de carbone unidirectionnelles et résine en époxy 17èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC17), p.97, Poitiers-Futuroscope, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 COM Louis Adam, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Alain Daidié, Elodie Bonhomme. Modélisation par éléments cohésifs de l'essai d'arrachement de fixations dans un stratifié 17èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC17), p.22, Poitiers-Futuroscope, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 INV Bruno Castanié. Recent advances on aeronautique structures International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering 2011,ICMAAE '11, Kuala-Lumpur, May 17-19, 2011., Kuala-Lumpur, MY [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 COM S. Catche, R. Piquet, Frederic Lachaud, Bruno Castanié, A. Benaben. Relation between surface roughness indicators and static strengh of drilled laminates 15th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS 16, Porto, June 28-30, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 COM L. Adam, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Alain Daidié, E. Bonhomme. Experimental and numerical analysis of pull-through of fasteners in laminates ICCS16, Porto (Portugal), 28-30 juin, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 ACL Javier Toral-Vasquez, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Nicolas Swiergiel. MULTI-LEVEL ANALYSIS OF LOW-COST Z-PINNED COMPOSITE JUNCTIONS. PART 1 : SINGLE Z-PIN BEHAVIOR Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 42(12), p.2070-2081 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2010 COM Florentin Berthet, Alvine Njionhou Kepnang, Bruno Castanié. Composites NCF carbone epoxy infusés : matériaux -procédés -propriétés Matériaux 2010, 11 p., Nantes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM Alvine Njionhou Kepnang, Florentin Berthet, Bruno Castanié. Relationships between process parameters and mechanical properties of laminated plates made by L.R.I. FPCM 10 -10th International conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, 9 p., Monte Verita, CH [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 ACL Bruno Castanié, Serge Crézé, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Frederic Lachaud, Laurent Risse. EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF FAILURES IN FILLED HOLE COMPRESSION TESTS OF CARBON/EPOXY LAMINATE Composite Structures, Elsevier, 92(5), p.1192-1199 [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM A. Abbadi, Laurent Michel, Bruno Castanié. Experimental Analysis of Composite Structures Debonding under Cyclic Loading ICCE-18 Anchorage, Alaska,USA, July 4-10, 2010, Alaska, US [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM L. Mézeix, Dominique Poquillon, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié. A New Sandwich Structured Composite With Entangled Carbon Fibres As Core Material: Processing And Mechanical Properties Icss 9, Pasadena, California, June 14-16, California, US [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM L. Adam, Alain Daidié, Bruno Castanié, E. Bonhomme. Explicit simulation and high-performance computing, application to a bolt tensile test IDMME-Virtual Concept 2010, Bordeaux, France, Bordeaux, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 ACL Alvine Njionhou Kepnang, Florentin Berthet, Bruno Castanié. Optimisation de la résistance au cisaillement interlaminaire (RCIL) des matériaux composites fabriqués par LRI en fonction des paramètres de fabrication Matériaux et Techniques, EDP Sciences [1970-....], 98(2), p.151-163 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2009 ACL Julien Bertolini, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Jean-Philippe Navarro. Multi-level experimental and numerical analysis of composite stiffener debonding. Part 1: Non-specific specimen level Composite Structures, Elsevier, 90(4), p.381-391 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2009 ACL Y. Aminanda, Bruno Castanié, J-J. Barrau, P. Thevenet. Experimental and numerical study of compression after impact of sandwichs structures with metallic skins Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier, 69(1), p.50 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2009 COM Alvine Njionhou Kepnang, Florentin Berthet, Bruno Castanié. Parameters affecting mechanical properties of composite manufactured by liquid resin infusion (LRI) ICCM 17 -17th International Conference on Composite Materials, 10 p., Edinburg, GB [HAL] / [BIB]
2009 COM Javier Toral, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Sébastien Didierjean. Analyse multi-niveau de jonctions économiques par cloutage = Multi-level analysis of low-cost Z-pinned junctions JNC16, 10 p., Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2009 COM J. Bertolini, Bruno Castanié, J.-J. Barrau, J.-P. Navarro. experimental analysis of pull-out strength of z-pins and screws in carbon-epoxy laminate 15th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS 15, Porto, June 15-17, 2009., Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2009 ACL Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Matthieu Bizeul, Jean-Jacques Barrau. Low velocity impact modelling in laminate composite panels with discrete interface elements International Journal of Solids and Structures, Elsevier, 46(14-15), p.2809-2821 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2009 ACL Y. Aminanda, Bruno Castanié, J.-J. Barrau, P. Thévenet. Experimental and numerical study of compression after impact of sandwich structures with metallic skins Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier, 69(1), p.50-59 [HAL] / [BIB]
2009 ACL Julien Bertolini, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Jean-Philippe Navarro, Caroline Petiot. Multi-level experimental and numerical analysis of composite stiffener debonding. Part 2: Element and panel level Composite Structures, Elsevier, 90(4), p.392-403 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2008 ACL Bruno Castanié, Yulfian Aminanda, Christophe Bouvet, Jean-Jacques Barrau. CORE CRUSH CRITERION TO DETERMINE THE STRENGTH OF SANDWICH COMPOSITE STRUCTURES SUBJECTED TO COM-PRESSION AFTER IMPACT Composite Structures, Elsevier, 86(1-3), p.243-250 [HAL] / [BIB]
2008 ACL Julien Bertolini, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Jean-Philippe Navarro. An experimental and numerical study on omega stringer debonding Composite Structures, Elsevier, 86(1-3), p.233-242 [HAL] / [BIB]
2008 ACL P. Bunyawanichakul, Bruno Castanié, J.-J. Barrau. Non-linear finite element analysis of inserts in composite sandwich structures Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier, 39(7-8), p.1077-1092 [HAL] / [BIB]
2008 ACL Bruno Castanié, Christophe Bouvet, Y. Aminanda, J.-J. J.-J. Barrau, P. Thevenet. Modelling of low energy/low velocity impact on Nomex honeycomb sandwich structures with metallic skins International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier, 35(7), p.620 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2005 ACL Y. Aminanda, Bruno Castanié, J.-J. Barrau, P. Thévenet. Modélisation de l'indentation des structures sandwichs à peaux métalliques Mécanique et Industries, Elsevier, 6(5), p.487-498 [HAL] / [BIB]
2005 ACL Jean-Jacques Barrau, Serge Crézé, Bruno Castanié. Buckling and post-buckling of beams with flat webs Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier, 43(6), p.877-894 [HAL] / [BIB]
2005 ACL P. Bunyawanichakul, Bruno Castanié, J. -J. Barrau. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Inserts in Sandwich Structures Applied Composite Materials, Springer Verlag (Germany), 12(3-4), p.177-191 [HAL] / [BIB]
2005 ACL Y. Aminanda, Bruno Castanié, J. -J. Barrau, P. Thévenet. Experimental Analysis and Modeling of the Crushing of Honeycomb Cores Applied Composite Materials, Springer Verlag (Germany), 12(3-4), p.213-227 [HAL] / [BIB]
2004 ACL Bruno Castanié. Combined shear/compression structural testing of asymmetric sandwich structures Experimental Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 44(5), p.461-472 [HAL] / [BIB]
2002 ACL Bruno Castanié, J.-J. Barrau, J.-P. Jaouen. Theoretical and experimental analysis of asymmetric sandwich structures Composite Structures, Elsevier, 55(3), p.295-306 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2001 ACL Jean-François Ferrero, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Jean Marie Segura, Bruno Castanié, Michel Sudre. Torsion of thin-walled composite beams with midplane symmetry Composite Structures, Elsevier, 54(1), p.111 - 120 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2001 ACL Jean-François Ferrero, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Jean Marie Segura, Michel Sudre, Bruno Castanié. Analytical theory for an approach calculation of non-balanced composite box beams Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier, 39(8), p.709 - 729 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]