Quentin Govignon

Maître assistant - Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux (IMT Mines Albi)
Membre du groupe Matériaux et Structures Composites (MSC)
1M163, Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, Campus Jarlard
81013 Albi
Activités de recherche :
  • Caractérisation des renforts fibreux pour la mise en œuvre: mesures de perméabilité, compressibilité, …
  • Contrôle et suivi des procédés de mise en œuvre des composites par voie liquide
  • Fabrication de composites hybrides nano-structurés
  • Variabilité des matériaux et procédés
  • Recyclage des composites à fibre de carbone

Activités d'enseignement :

Enseignement sur les procédés de mise en œuvre des composites par voie liquide (MS AMPAS)
Integrated Team Project (MS AMPAS)
Construction Mécanique et Conception (IFIE L3)

Production scientifique :
47 contributions trouvées

AnnéeTypeAuteurs et titre du documentLiens
2024 COM Quentin Govignon, Aubin Cloos, Florentin Berthet. Improving the compressibility of recycled carbon fibre non-woven mats ECCM21 - the 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 8, p.920-926, Nantes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2024 COM Quentin Govignon, Aubin Cloos, Florentin Berthet. Amélioration de la compressibilité des non-tissés en fibre de carbone recyclées pour mise en oeuvre par le procédé d'infusion. Improving compressibility of recycled carbon fibre non-woven textiles for processing through resin infusion moulding Journées Scientifiques et Techniques Fin de Vie et Recyclage des Composites, Albi, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2024 COM Florentin Berthet, Quentin Govignon, Sabrine Jlassi, Julien Courouble. Composites recyclés Hybrides. Hybrid recycled composites Journées Scientifiques et Techniques Fin de Vie et Recyclage des Composites, Albi (81), FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2023 P William Garat, Monica Francesca Pucci, Romain Léger, Quentin Govignon, Florentin Berthet, Perrin Didier, Patrick Ienny, Pierre-Jacques Liotier. Errors in surface energy estimation of fibres for Liquid Composite Moulding processes and potential origins ICCM23 - 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, Belfast, GB [HAL] / [BIB]
2023 COM Gautier Allusse, Olivier de Almeida, Quentin Govignon, Fabrice Schmidt. Study of the fluid-structure interaction of a mat reinforcement with a thermoplastic resin ICCM-23-23st international conference on composite materials, Belfast, IE [HAL] / [BIB]
2023 COM William Han, Quentin Govignon, Arthur Cantarel, Fabrice Schmidt. Dual-scale flow simulation for LCM processes Simulation of reactive PA6 flow in a fibrous preform for T-RTM process ICCM23 - Twenty-third international conference on composite materials, Belfast, IE [HAL] / [BIB]
2023 COM Gautier Allusse, Olivier de Almeida, Quentin Govignon, Fabrice Schmidt. Étude de l'interaction fluide-structure d'un renfort mat avec une résine thermoplastique JNC23 - Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2023, Besançon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2023 ACL Anh Tuan Le, Quentin Govignon, Samuel Rivallant, Thierry Cutard. Mode I and mode II fracture behavior in nano‐engineered long fiber reinforced composites Polymer Composites, Wiley, 44(7), p.4016-4026 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL Anh Tuan Le, Quentin Govignon, Samuel Rivallant, Thierry Cutard. Nano-engineered prepreg manufacturing: control of capillary rise of resin into VACNTs’ forests Carbon Letters, Springer, 33, p.1019-1025 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL Anh Tuan Le, Quentin Govignon, Samuel Rivallant, Thierry Cutard. Composite laminates reinforced by vertically aligned carbon nanotubes: Detailed manufacturing process, from nanotubes transfer to composite consolidation Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 57, p.4239–4253 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2022 COM Gautier Allusse, Olivier de Almeida, Quentin Govignon, Fabrice Schmidt. Influence of fiber/matrix interface on gas permeability properties of CF/TP composites ECCM20- Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials, p. 577-584, Lausanne, CH [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2022 ACL Quentin Govignon, Florentin Berthet, Ludovic Moulin, Olivier Mantaux, A Faure, Arnaud Gillet. Le recyclage des composites bulletin de l' AMAC, p.1-28 [HAL] / [BIB]
2022 ACL William Han, Quentin Govignon, Arthur Cantarel, Fabrice Schmidt. Efficient polymerization and crystallization kinetics coupling of polyamide 6 synthesis for liquid composite molding process modeling Polymer Engineering and Science, Wiley-Blackwell, 62(4), p.999-1012 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2022 CO Simon Bickerton, Quentin Govignon, Piaras Kelly. Liquid composite molding processes p. 101-136 [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 COM William Han, Quentin Govignon, Arthur Cantarel, Cédric Samuel, Fabrice Schmidt. Modeling the reactive PA6 flow for LCM processes ESAFORM 2021 - 24th International Conference on Material Forming, En ligne, BE [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL A.X.H. Yong, A. Aktas, D. May, A. Endruweit, S.V. Lomov, S. Advani, P. Hubert, S.G. Abaimov, D. Abliz, I. Akhatov, M.A. Ali, Samir Allaoui, T. Allen, D.C. Berg, S. Bickerton, B. Caglar, P. Causse, A. Chiminelli, S. Comas-Cardona, M. Danzi, J. Dittmann, C. Dransfeld, P. Ermanni, E. Fauster, A. George, Jean Gillibert, Quentin Govignon, R. Graupner, V. Grishaev, A. Guilloux, M.A. Kabachi, A. Keller, K. Kind, D. Large, M. Laspalas, O.V. Lebedev, M Lizaranzu, A.C. Long, C López, K. Masania, V. Michaud, P. Middendorf, P. Mitschang, S. van Oosterom, R. Schubnel, N. Sharp, P. Sousa, F. Trochu, R. Umer, J. Valette, J.H. Wang. Experimental characterisation of textile compaction response: a benchmark exercise Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 142, p.1-16/106243 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL William Garat, Monica Francesca Pucci, Romain Léger, Quentin Govignon, Florentin Berthet, Didier Perrin, Patrick Ienny, Pierre-Jacques Liotier. Surface energy determination of fibres for Liquid Composite Moulding processes: method to estimate equilibrium contact angles from static and quasi-static data Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier, 611, p.1-7/125787 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 COM Gérard Bernhart, Quentin Govignon, Florentin Berthet, Yannick Soudais, Maxime Boulanghien, Sabrine Jlassi, Serge da Silva. 2.0 rCF based composite materials: manufacturing processes and mechanical properties Workshop CUSTOMISIZE LEITAT 2019, Barcelona, ES [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 COM Jens Schuster, Ming-Hong Chen, Quentin Govignon. Assessment of adhesive bond quality by using ultrasonic testing combined with pattern recognition 22th International Conference on Composite Materials 2019 (ICCM 22), p.2055-2064, Melbourne, AU [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 COM Anh Tuan Le, Philippe Olivier, Quentin Govignon, Alexandre Sangar, Pascal Boulanger, Samuel Rivallant, Thierry Cutard. Imprégnation et transfert de tapis de Nanotubes de Carbone Alignés Verticalement sur du préimprégné. Imprégnation et transfert de tapis de nanotubes de carbone alignés verticalement sur un préimprégné JNC 21 : Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2019, 9 p., Bordeaux, Talence, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 COM Jens Schuster, Ming-Hong Chen, Quentin Govignon. Kissing Bonds Gezielte Herstellung und Detektion mit Ultraschall DACH-Jahrestagung 2019, p.1-8/24569, Friedrichshafen, DE [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 COM Léa Floch, Romain Guyard, Romain Léger, Quentin Govignon, Laurent Ferry, Florentin Berthet, Perrin Didier, Patrick Ienny, Gilles Dusserre. Suivi de santé, substitution matières et comportement au feu des stratifiés dans les structures marines : projet NESSIE Journée Industrielle IMT « Matériaux haute performance et écomatériaux dans les transports », Paris, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 ACL Jens Schuster, David Müller, Ming-Hong Chen, Quentin Govignon. Ultrasonic Testing Combined with Pattern Recognition for the Detection of Kissing Bonds Open Journal of Composite Materials, Scientific Research Publishing, 9(3), p.260-270 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 ACL Smr M R Kazmi, Quentin Govignon, Simon Bickerton. Control of laminate quality for parts manufactured using the resin infusion process Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 53(3), p.327-343 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2016 ACL Elinor Swery, Tom Allen, Sébastien Comas-Cardona, Quentin Govignon, Chris Hickey, Jamie Timms, Loïc Tournier, Andrew Walbran, Piaras Kelly, Simon Bickerton. Efficient experimental characterisation of the permeability of fibrous textiles Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 50(28), p.4023 - 4038 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2015 ACL Pierre-Jacques Liotier, Quentin Govignon, Elinor Swery, Sylvain Drapier, Simon Bickerton. Characterisation of woven flax fibres reinforcements: Effect of the shear on the in-plane permeability Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 49(27), p.3415-3430 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2015 COM Ludovic Chevallier, Quentin Govignon, Philippe Olivier, Gérard Bernhart, Martine Mayne-L'Hermite. Mechanical effects of the injection-CVD nanostructuration of carbon-fibre composites investigated by bundle tensile test and DMA ICCM 20 - 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, 10 p., Copenhagen, DK [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM Pierre-Jacques Liotier, Quentin Govignon, Elinor Swery, Sylvain Drapier, Simon Bickerton. Permeability of sheared woven flax fibres reinforcements; permeability measurements of the orthotropic behaviour 12th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Twente, NL [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM Pierre-Jacques Liotier, Quentin Govignon, Elinor Swery, Sylvain Drapier, Simon Bickerton. Permeability of sheared woven flax fibres reinforcements ; definition of parameters to model complex shape composites part processing by LCM ECCM 16 - 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 8 p., Seville, ES [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM Ludovic Chevallier, Quentin Govignon, Philippe Olivier, Gérard Bernhart, Jonathan Bouillonnec, Martine Mayne-L'Hermite. Three-dimensional permeability determination of reinforced composites structures with vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests ECCM 16 - 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 8 p., Seville, ES [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 ACL J. Schuster, Quentin Govignon, S. Bickerton. Processability of Biobased Thermoset Resins and Flax Fibres Reinforcements Using Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding Open Journal of Composite Materials, Scientific Research Publishing, 04(01), p.1-11 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2013 CO S. Bickerton, Quentin Govignon, Piaras Kelly. Resin infusion/liquid composite moulding (LCM) of advanced fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) p.155-186 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2012 COM Quentin Govignon, Lucas Maes, Bart Verleye, Simon Bickerton, Piaras Kelly. A 2.5D SIMULATION OF THE FILLING AND POST- FILLING STAGES OF THE RESIN INFUSION PROCESS 11th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM11), Auckland, NZ [HAL] / [BIB]
2012 ACL Quentin Govignon, S. Bickerton, S Kelly. Experimental investigation into the post-filling stage of the resin infusion process Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 47(12), p.1479-1492 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2011 COM Quentin Govignon, Smr M R Kazmi, Chris Hickey, Simon Bickerton. CONTROL OF LAMINATE QUALITY FOR PARTS MANUFACTURED USING THE RESIN INFUSION PROCESS 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju, KR [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM Quentin Govignon, Bart Verleye, Simon Bickerton, Piaras Kelly. A 2.5D Model of the Resin Infusion Process, Experiments and Simulation 7th ACCM Conference, taipei, TW [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM Jamie G Timms, Quentin Govignon, Simon Bickerton, Piaras A Kelly. OBSERVATIONS FROM THE FILLING AND POST-FILLING STAGES OF AXISYMMETRIC LIQUID COMPOSITE MOULDING WITH FLEXIBLE TOOLING 10 th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM10), Ascona, CH [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM Quentin Govignon, Jamie Timms, Simon Bickerton, Piaras Kelly. Deviation from darcy’s law during the post-filling stage of resin infusion 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM10), Ascona, CH [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 ACL Quentin Govignon, S. Bickerton, P.A. Kelly. Simulation of the reinforcement compaction and resin flow during the complete resin infusion process Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 41(1), p.45-57 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2008 COM Hiten Mulchandani, Jamie Timms, Quentin Govignon, Simon Bickerton. Identifying sources of variability in the mechanical performance of resin infused textile composites 9th international conference on textile composites (TexComp9), Newark, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2008 ACL Quentin Govignon, S. Bickerton, J. Morris, P.A. Kelly. Full field monitoring of the resin flow and laminate properties during the resin infusion process Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 39(9), p.1412-1426 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2008 COM Quentin Govignon, Simon Bickerton, Piaras A Kelly. SIMULATION OF THE COMPLETE RESIN INFUSION PROCESS 9 th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montreal, CA [HAL] / [BIB]
2007 COM Quentin Govignon, Tom Allen, Simon Bickerton, John Morris. Monitoring variations in laminate properties through the complete resin infusion process SAMPE: From Art to Science: Advancing Materials & Process Engineering Conference, Cincinnati, US [HAL] / [BIB]
2007 COM Simon Bickerton, W. Walbran, Quentin Govignon. OBSERVATIONS OF STRESS AND LAMINATE THICKNESS VARIATIONS IN LCM PROCESSES 16th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM16), Kyoto, JP [HAL] / [BIB]
2006 COM Yizhe Lin, John Morris, Quentin Govignon, Simon Bickerton. Digital speckle photogrammetry Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2006, Great Barrier Island, NZ [HAL] / [BIB]
2006 COM Quentin Govignon, Simon Bickerton, John Morris, Yizhe Lin. A STEREO PHOTOGRAPHY SYSTEM FOR MONITORING FULL FIELD THICKNESS VARIATION DURING RESIN INFUSION 8th International Conference on Flow Processes i n Composite Materials (F PCM8), Douai, FR [HAL] / [BIB]

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