Steven Marguet

Maître de conférence - Université Paul Sabatier (UPS)
Membre du groupe Matériaux et Structures Composites (MSC)
AR2 010, Espace Clément Ader, 3 rue Caroline Aigle
31400 Toulouse
Activités de recherche :

Mes thématiques de recherche sont les suivantes :
– étude des structures composites soumises à  l’impact : caractérisation expérimentale et développement de modèles numériques sur la base de l’approche semi-continue (séparation fibres/résine) pour des stratifiés hybrides (tissus et unidirectionnels) ;
– étude des assemblages collés sous sollicitations dynamiques combinées ;
– étude des pièces composites de formes complexes ;
– développement de stratégies de réduction de modèle adaptatives pour le calcul de structures raidies soumises au post-flambement.

Activités d'enseignement :

Intervention dans les domaines :
– de la mécanique du solide indéformable ;
– de la mécanique non linéaire ;
– de la conception mécanique ;
– de l’éco-conception ;
– de la conception assistée par ordinateur ;
– du calcul de structure par éléments finis…

Responsabilités collectives :

Responsable de parcours « Conception » du Master 2 « Conception, Calcul et Productique en Aéronautique » (CCPA) de la filière Génie Mécanique de l’Université Paul Sabatier (UPS), Toulouse III, Université de Toulouse.

Activités techniques de soutien à la recherche :

Membre de la cellule « Calcul scientifique ».

Production scientifique :
84 contributions trouvées

AnnéeTypeAuteurs et titre du documentLiens
2023 COM Alexy Tailleur, Kévin Mathis, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Ange Rogani. Un modèle Global/Local d'initiation et de propagation d'endommagement pour le prédimensionnement de structures composites de lanceurs spatiaux en présence de défauts JNC23 : Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2023, Besançon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2023 ACL Hassan Obeid, Steven Marguet, Bouchra Hassoune-Rhabbour, Tiphaine Mérian, Aurélie Léonardi, Jean-François Ferrero, Héléne Welemane. Evolution of physico-chemical and mechanical properties of bonded epoxy assemblies during hygrothermal cyclic aging. Évolution des propriétés physico-chimiques et mécaniques d'assemblages collés à l'époxy durant un vieillissement hygrothermique Mechanics & Industry, EDP Sciences, 24, p.40 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL Lara Boutros, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Issam Tawk, Jean-François Ferrero. Dynamic response of epoxy foam structures reinforced with aramid layers subjected to low-velocity impact Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, SAGE Publications [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2023 ACL Olivier Dorival, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. 3D digital image correlation analysis of medium velocity soft impacts on laminated composite Forces in Mechanics, p.100245 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL Ldjoudi Manseri, Pablo Navarro, Olivier Dorival, Steven Marguet, Bassam Mahmoud, Jean-François Ferrero. Development of a hybrid element to model intralaminar damage in thick composite plates under impact loading Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier, 222, p.109024 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL A. Rogani, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. Study of post-impact behaviour of thin carbon/epoxy laminates subject to fatigue tensile loading International Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier, 148, p.106134 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 COM Olivier Dorival, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. Essais d'impacts gélatine sur plaques composites Gelatin impact tests on composite plates. Gelatin impact tests on composite plates 22e Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Conférence Virtuelle, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2021 ACL A. Rogani, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, C. Lanouette. Study of post-impact behaviour of thin hybrid carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy woven composite laminates under fatigue tensile loading – Part I : Experimental study Composite Structures, Elsevier, 260, p.113449 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2021 ACL A. Rogani, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, C. Lanouette. Study of post-impact behaviour of thin hybrid carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy woven composite laminates under fatigue tensile loading – Part II: Numerical study Composite Structures, Elsevier, 260, p.113451 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2020 COM Hassan Obeid, Steven Marguet, Bouchra Hassoune, Tiphaine Mérian, Aurélie Leonardi, Jean-François Ferrero, Hélène Welemane. Influence of aging on the mechanical behavior of bonded assemblies MDA 2020 - 3rd International Conference on Materials design and applications, p.201-201, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 ACL Sylvain Arki, Jean-François Ferrero, Steven Marguet, Jean-Max Redonnet, Alexandre Aury. Strengthening of a curved composite beam by introducing a flat portion Composite Structures, Elsevier, 222, p.110863 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 COM Lara Boutros, Tania Langella, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Issam Tawk, Valentina Lopresto, Antonio Langella. Etude expérimentale et numérique de l’influence d’un chargement de traction sur la réponse à l’impact de stratifiés tissés de faible épaisseur. Experimental and numerical study of the influence of a tensile preload on thin woven composite laminates under impact loading 21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Bordeaux, Talence, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 COM Ldjoudi Manseri, Pablo Navarro, Olivier Dorival, Steven Marguet, Bassam Mahmoud, Jean-François Ferrero. Développement d'une interface intralaminaire pour une approche Semi-Continue : application à l'impact sur stratifié UD. Development of an intralaminar interface for a Semi-Continuous approach :application to UD laminate under impact loading 21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Bordeaux, Talence, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 COM Ange Rogani, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. Propagation de dommage post-impact dans des revêtements composites tissés minces. Post-impact damage propagation in thin woven composite laminates 21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Bordeaux, Talence, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2019 ACL Bassam Mahmoud, L. Manseri, Ange Rogani, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Issam Tawk. Experimental and numerical study of the damage mechanisms in hybrid unidirectional/woven composites under impact loading Composite Structures, Elsevier, 209, p.606 - 615 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 ACL A. Rogani, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, C. Lanouette. Tensile post-impact behaviour of thin carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy hybrid woven laminates – Part I: Experimental study Composite Structures, Elsevier, 230, p.111508 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 ACL A. Rogani, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, C. Lanouette. Tensile post-impact behaviour of thin carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy hybrid woven laminates – Part II: Numerical study Composite Structures, Elsevier, 230, p.111455 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2019 ACL Benjamin Valès, Steven Marguet, Romain Créac'Hcadec, Laurent Sohier, Jean-François Ferrero, Pablo Navarro. An Experimental Method Dedicated to the Dynamic Characterization of Structural Adhesives under Drop Weight Conditions. Une méthode expérimentale dédiée à la caractérisation dynamique d'adhésifs structuraux testés par poids tombant International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Elsevier, 90, p.106-125 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2018 COM Jean-François Ferrero, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Olivier Dorival. Impact damage prediction in thin composite laminates : semi-continuous strategy and validation International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Madrid, ES [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM Ange Rogani, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Olivier Dorival, Jean-François Ferrero. Study of post impact damage propagation in thin woven composite laminates International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Madrid, ES [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM Ldjoudi Manseri, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Olivier Dorival, Jean-François Ferrero. Experimental and Numerical study of the behavior of hybrid unidirectional/woven composite laminates under impact loading International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Madrid, ES [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 COM Bassam Mahmoud, Ldjoudi Manseri, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Issam Tawk, Jean-François Ferrero. Semi-Continuous strategy for the modelling of damage mechanisms in hybrid UD/woven composites under impact loading International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials - DRaF 2018, Ischia, IT [HAL] / [BIB]
2018 ACL Florian Pascal, Olivier Dorival, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. Impact damage prediction in thin woven composite laminates-Part I: Modeling strategy and validation Composite Structures, Elsevier, 190, p.32 - 42 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2018 ACL Florian Pascal, Ange Rogani, Bassam Mahmoud, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. Impact damage prediction in thin woven composite laminates – Part II: Application to normal and oblique impacts on sandwich structure Composite Structures, Elsevier, 190, p.43 - 51 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2017 ACL Bassam Mahmoud, Marcos Torrecilla Colungo, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Issam Tawk, Jean-François Ferrero. Semi-continuous strategy for the modelling of damage mechanisms in unidirectional composites under low velocity impacts Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier, 130, p.147 - 157 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2017 ACL Benjamin Vales, Steven Marguet, Romain Créac'Hcadec, Laurent Sohier, Jean-François Ferrero, Pablo Navarro. Experimental & numerical study of the Tensile/Compression-Shear Arcan test under dynamic loading International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Elsevier, 78, p.135 - 147 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2017 CO Florian Pascal, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. Study of medium velocity impacts on the lower surface of helicopter blades [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 COM Benjamin Vales, Steven Marguet, Romain Créac'Hcadec, Laurent Sohier, Jean-François Ferrero, Pablo Navarro. Numerical & Experimental Study of a Modified Arcan Device in Dynamic: Application to Bonded Joints Euradh 2016, the 11th European Adhesion Conference and Adhesion '16, the 13th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives, Glasgow, GB [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 COM Sylvain Arki, Steven Marguet, Jean-Max Redonnet, Jean-François Ferrero, Pablo Navarro, Alexandre Aury. Semi-continous approach for the modelling of complex shaped thick composite parts 2nd International conference on mechanics of composites, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 COM Bassam Mahmoud, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Issam Tawk. Modelling of low velocity impacts on unidirectionnal composite laminates using a semi-continuous strategy 17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM17), Munich, DE [HAL] / [BIB]
2016 ACL Benjamin Vales, Steven Marguet, Romain Créac'Hcadec, Laurent Sohier, Jean-François Ferrero, Pablo Navarro. Numerical study of the local behaviour of adhesive bonds under dynamic loading Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis, 30(12), p.1319 - 1339 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2016 ACL Olivier Dorival, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Caroline Petiot, Michel Bermudez, Didier Mesnagé, Jean-François Ferrero. Experimental results of medium velocity impact tests for reinforced foam core braided composite structures Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, SAGE Publications [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2015 COM Benjamin Vales, Steven Marguet, Romain Créac'Hcadec, Laurent Sohier, Jean-François Ferrero, Pablo Navarro. Numerical Study of an Arcan Tensile Compression Shear Test in Dynamic: Application to Bonded Joints Complas XIII, the 13th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Barcelone, ES [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Florian Pascal, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Olivier Dorival, Jean-François Ferrero. Modelling impacts on composite sandwich structures using a semi-continuous strategy Franco-Chinese symposium on damage and fracture of composite structures: assessment and monitoring, Tarbes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Bassam Mahmoud, Pascal Florian, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Issam Tawk. Modélisation semi-continue des composites stratifiés unidirectionnels sous sollicitation d’impact Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2015, Lyon, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Olivier Dorival, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Caroline Petiot, Michel Bermudez, Didier Mesnagé, Jean-François Ferrero. Comparaison expérimentale de l'absorption d'énergie lors d'impact sur plusieurs structures mousse-composite renforcées. Experimental comparison of impact energy absorption by several reinforced foam composite structures 19e Journées Nationales sur les Composites - JNC 2015, Villeurbanne, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Florian Pascal, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Pascal Casari, Jean-François Ferrero, Issam Tawk. Experimental and numerical study of oblique impact on helicopter blades 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), Lisbon, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Olivier Dorival, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Caroline Petiot, Michel Bermudez. Comparisons of performances of several new designs of shock absorbers 18th International Conference on Composite Structures - ICCS18, Lisbon, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 COM Pablo Navarro, Pascal Florian, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Pascal Casari, Issam Tawk. Study of oblique impacts on instrumented woven composite laminates International Conference on Composites Structures 18 - ICCS18, Lisbon, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 ACL Pablo Navarro, Florian Pascal, Julien Aubry, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Sandrine Lemaire, Patrice Rauch. Semi-continuous approach for the study of impacts on woven composite laminates: Modeling interlaminar behavior with a specific interface element International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier, 75(6), p.184 - 193 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2015 ACL Florian Pascal, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. On the modelling of low to medium velocity impact onto woven composite materials with a 2D semi-continuous approach Composite Structures, Elsevier, 134, p.302-310 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2015 ACL Pablo Navarro, Julien Aubry, Pascal Florian, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Olivier Dorival. Effects of the stacking sequence, material nature and addition of an adhesive film on the delamination resistance of woven composite laminates in mode I and II Advanced composites letters, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 24(1), p.1-5 [HAL] / [BIB]
2015 ACL Olivier Dorival, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, C Petiot, M Bermudez, D Mesnagé, Jean-François Ferrero. Experimental study of impact energy absorption by reinforced braided composite structures: Dynamic crushing tests Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier, 78, p.244-255 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2014 COM Florian Pascal, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Julien Aubry, Sandrine Lemaire. Study of Medium Velocity Impacts on the Lower Surface of Helicopter Blades International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRaF2014), Ischia, IT [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 ACL Jean-Charles Passieux, Pablo Navarro, Jean-Noël Périé, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. A digital image correlation method for tracking planar motions of rigid spheres: application to medium velocity impacts Experimental Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 54(8), p.1453-1466 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2014 COM Pablo Navarro, Florian Pascal, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Julien Aubry, Sandrine Lemaire. Experimental and Numerical Study of Oblique Impact on Helicopter Blades – Influence of the curvature 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM16), Seville, ES [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM Florian Pascal, Olivier Dorival, Steven Marguet, Pablo Navarro, Jean-François Ferrero. Semi-continuous approach for the study of impacts on woven composite laminates: modeling interlaminar behaviour with a specific interface element New modelling strategies of damage and failure of composite structures : a breakthrough in composite sizing ?, Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM Pablo Navarro, Florian Pascal, Julien Aubry, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Sandrine Lemaire. Semi-continuous approach for the study of impacts on woven composite laminates Workshop on Composite Sizing, Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 COM Florian Pascal, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. Modélisation de l'impact sur structure sandwich composite Journée Thématique Dynamique Rapide (JTDR'2014), Paris, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2014 ACL Pablo Navarro, Julien Aubry, Florian Pascal, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Olivier Dorival. Influence of the stacking sequence and crack velocity on fracture toughness of woven composite laminates in mode I Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier, 131, p.340-348 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2014 ACL Julien Aubry, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Olivier Dorival, Laurent Sohier, Jean-Yves Cognard. Change of scale strategy for the microstructural modelling of polymeric rohacell foams CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Tech Science Press, p.21-47 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2013 ACL Ludovic Barrière, Steven Marguet, Bruno Castanié, Philippe Cresta, Jean-Charles Passieux. An adaptive model reduction strategy for post-buckling analysis of stiffened structures Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier, 73, p.81-93 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2013 COM Jean-Charles Passieux, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Jean-Noël Périé. Medium velocity impact force estimation through high speed digital image correlation 21th DYMAT technical meeting: High speed imaging for dynamic testing of material and structures, London, GB [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM Jean-Charles Passieux, Pablo Navarro, Julien Aubry, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Jean-Noël Périé. Experimental study of impacts on helicopter blades using digital image correlation 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM19, Montreal, CA [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 ACL Pablo Navarro, Serge Abrate, Julien Aubry, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero. Analytical modeling of indentation of composite sandwich beam Composite Structures, Elsevier, 100, p.79 - 88 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2013 COM Pablo Navarro, Florian Pascal, Julien Aubry, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Sandrine Lemaire, Issam Tawk. Study of oblique impacts on helicopter blades. Modelling of woven composite laminates made of plies with different orientation International Conference on Composites and Structures 17 (ICCS17), Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM Ludovic Barrière, Steven Marguet, Philippe Cresta, Bruno Castanié, Jean-Charles Passieux. Décomposition de domaine et réduction de modèle: stratégie de résolution pour le post-flambement local des structures raidies 11e colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 P Jean-Charles Passieux, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Jean-Noël Périé. Medium velocity impact force gauging by digital image correlation International conference on full-field measurement techniques and their applications in experimental solid mechanics, Photomechanics, Montpellier, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 P L. Barrière, Jean-Charles Passieux, Steven Marguet, Bruno Castanié, P. Cresta. Adaptive Model Reduction for Local Post-Buckling Analysis 2nd International Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD model (Blois, Fr), Blois, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 CO Julien Aubry, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Issam Tawk, Jean-François Ferrero, Sandrine Lemaire, Patrice Rauch. Experimental and Numerical Study of Normal and Oblique Impacts on Helicopter Blades [HAL] / [BIB]
2013 COM L. Barrière, Steven Marguet, Jean-Charles Passieux, Bruno Castanié, P. Cresta. Modeling strategies for postbuckilig of large stiffened structures ICCS 16, Intenational Conference on Composite Structure, June 17-20, Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2012 ACL Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Jean-Jacques Barrau, Sandrine Lemaire. Modeling of Impacts on Sandwich Structures Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis, 19(7), p.523 - 529 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2012 ACL Issam Tawk, Julien Aubry, Pablo Navarro, Jean-François Ferrero, Steven Marguet, Samuel Rivallant, Sandrine Lemaire, Patrice Rauch. Study of impact on helicopter blade Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier, 24, p.38-45 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2012 ACL Pablo Navarro, Aubry Julien, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Sandrine Lemaire, Patrice Rauch. Semi-continuous approach for the modeling of thin woven composite panels applied to oblique impacts on helicopter blades Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 43(6), p.871-879 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2012 COM Pablo Navarro, Julien Aubry, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Sandrine Lemaire. Study of oblique impacts on helicopter blades: a semi-continuous approach the modeling of thin woven composite panels International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures (ICNMMCS 2012), Turin, IT [HAL] / [BIB]
2012 ACL Pablo Navarro, Julien Aubry, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, Sandrine Lemaire, Patrice Rauch. Experimental and numerical study of oblique impact on woven composite sandwich structure: Influence of the firing axis orientation Composite Structures, Elsevier, 94(6), p.1967 - 1972 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2012 COM L. Barrière, Steven Marguet, Bruno Castanié, P. Cresta. A Computational Strategy For Post-buckling Analysis Of Large Stiffened Structures ICAS 2012, 28th International Congress Of The Aeronautical Sciences. Brisbane, Australia, 24-28 September 2012, Brisbane, AU [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 COM J. Aubry, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, Jean-François Ferrero, I. Tawk, S. Lemaire, P. Rauch. Etude numérique de l'influence de la vitesse d'impact sur la résistance des pales d'hélicoptères à des impacts rasants 17èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC17), p.122, Poitiers-Futuroscope, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 COM Julien Aubry, Pablo Navarro, Jean-François Ferrero, Steven Marguet, Sandrine Lemaire. Numerical study of the behavior of helicopter blades submitted to impacts at various angles XVI International Conference on Composites Structures (ICCS XVI), Porto, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 COM Patrick Rozycki, Laurent Gornet, Steven Marguet. Numerical modeling of the behavior of sandwich panels submitted to impact loads 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures - ICILLS'2011, Valenciennes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2011 P J. Aubry, Pablo Navarro, Steven Marguet, I. Tawk, Jean-François Ferrero, S. Lemaire, P. Rauch. Etude numérique de l’influence de la vitesse d’impact sur la résistance des pales d’hélicoptères à des impacts rasants 17èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 17), Poitiers, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM Pablo Navarro, Jean-François Ferrero, Steven Marguet, Sandrine Lemaire. Modelling of impacts on sandwich panels 9th International Conference on Sandwich Structures (ICSS 9), Pasadena, US [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM Pablo Navarro, Jean-François Ferrero, Steven Marguet, Matilde de La Mota, Sandrine Lemaire. Modelling of the impact on sandwich panels IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2010), Paris, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2010 COM Laurent Gornet, Steven Marguet, Patrick Rozycki, Gilles Marckmann. Simulation de l'endommagement de structures composites soumises à des impacts hydrodynamiques 12es Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Nantes, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2009 COM Laurent Gornet, Gilles Marckmann, Syed Kamran-Ali, Steven Marguet, Jean-Pierre Regoin. Essais et simulations des âmes Nomex sous des sollicitations de type statique et fatigue. Experimental tests and prediction of Nomex cores under statique and fatigue loadings JNC 16, p.1-8, Toulouse, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2008 COM Steven Marguet, Laurent Gornet, Patrick Rozycki. Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modelling of the Non-Linear Mechanical Behaviour of Nomex Honeycomb Core 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics - 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering - WCCM8/ECCOMAS 2008, Venice, IT [HAL] / [BIB]
2007 PhD Steven Marguet. Contribution à la modélisation du comportement mécanique des structures sandwichs soumises à l'impact. Contribution to the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of sandwich structures subjected to dynamic loadings [HAL] / [BIB]
2007 COM Laurent Gornet, Gilles Marckmann, Steven Marguet, Syed Kamran-Ali, Jean Pierre Regoin. Une approche expérimentale et numérique dédiée à l'identification des propriétés mécaniques des âmes nids d'abeilles Nomex®. Experimental and numerical approaches for the identification of honey combs Nomex® cores mechanical properties Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC), Marseille, FR [HAL] / [BIB]
2007 ACL Steven Marguet, Patrick Rozycki, Laurent Gornet. A Rate Dependent Constitutive Model for Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic Woven Fabrics Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis, 14(8), p.619-631 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2007 ACL Laurent Gornet, Steven Marguet, Gilles Marckmann. Modeling of Nomex honeycomb cores, linear and nonlinear behaviours Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Taylor & Francis, 14(8), p.589-601 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2006 COM Laurent Gornet, Steven Marguet, Gilles Marckmann. Numerical modelling of Nomex (R) honeycomb cores : failure and effective elastic properties III European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, Lisbonne, PT [HAL] / [BIB]
2006 COM Steven Marguet, Patrick Rozycki, Laurent Gornet. A rate dependent constitutive model for carbon-fibre / epoxy-matrix woven fabrics submitted to dynamic loadings IIIrd European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2006), 183, p.105-122, Lisbonne, PT [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]
2006 ACL Laurent Gornet, Steven Marguet, Gilles Marckmann. Finite Element modeling of Nomex® honeycomb cores: Failure and effective elastic properties International Journal Computer Material & Continua Tech Science, 4 [HAL] / [BIB]
2006 ACL Steven Marguet, Patrick Rozycki, Laurent Gornet. A rate dependent constitutive model for glass-fiber/epoxy-matrix woven fabrics CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Tech Science Press, 4(3), p.119-136 [HAL] / [BIB] / [DOI]