Platform MIMAUSA

On the site of the Technopôle albigeoise (site Innoprod Albi), certified by the global pole Aerospace Valley, the platform MIMAUSA (Implementation of aeronautical materials and active surveillance) provides industrial and academic research, on a technical platform of 600 m2, industrial pilots to test innovative processes with high diffusion potential, particularly for the aeronautics and space sectors.

    The platform is equipped:

  • – optical and thermo-optical devices for monitoring processes and structures,
  • – equipment for mechanical testing and the study of the durability of materials.


Orientations and scientific projects

The role of the MIMAUSA platform is to carry out research and service activities in direct relation to the topics developed at the Institut Clément Ader. They are conducted as part of direct partnerships or collaborative projects approved by the Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster, which are funded for example by the ANR, the FUI or the Midi-Pyrénées – Languedoc Roussillon region. The platform also plays a diffusing role towards innovative SMEs in the field of the implementation and shaping of materials that wish to position themselves in new subcontracting markets.

The MIMAUSA platform is integrated into the Institut Clément Ader Albi (Albigensis site of the Institut Clément Ader – UMR CNRS 5312), a research center of IMT Mines Albi that has more than 2,000 m2 of laboratories and test halls. MIMAUSA’s facilities are in close proximity to the mechanical testing, material characterization and numerical simulation technical platforms located in the premises of IMT Mines Albi.

Video presentation


For more information, visit the website of the platform or the page of the Institut Clément Ader Albi.

Head : Yannick Le Maoult, Co-Head : Aurélien Mazzoni