Axis Team – Head : Philippe Marguerès

Monitoring and Innovative Measurements (MIM) :

In this research axis, we are interested in development and implementation of means dedicated, on the one hand, to the material and structure health monitoring and, on the other hand, the process optimisation and supervision. In this context, we both propose innovative instrumentation systems and ad-hoc multi-physics models to establish a real time diagnosis.

Scientific and technical fields: Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDTE); Electrical impedance analysis; Acousto-ultrasound; Robotised 2D/3D vision; Functionalised materials; Multi-physics simulation; Model updating; Deep learning.

Applicative fields: Materials and structures characterisation; Process monitoring; SHM; Multi-materials including composites and architectured materials; Severe environments and temperatures; Innovative instrumentation.

Keywords: SHM; NDTE; Smart materials; Process monitoring; Digital twins.