
Clément Ader Institute is a young research laboratory (1) which mainly works in the field of Solid Mechanics, the most representative subdomains being Materials, Structures, Systems, Processes and Measurement. The main applications are aeronautics and space, but also transport and energy, and more generally those linked with mechanical industry. Its activities are focused on the modelling of the behavior of materials and structures, and the study of their sustainability. It aims to develop equally theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. An important part of his research concerns composite materials since they are essential in today's aerospace sector.

(1) ICA is formed by the merger of three research structures in Occititanie: the Centre de Recherche Outillages, Matériaux et Procédés of IMT Mines Albi (CROMeP), the Département Mécanique Structures et Matériaux of ISAE (DMSM) and the Laboratoire de Génie Mécanique de Toulouse of INSA and UPS (LGMT). ICA is a "Unité Mixte de Recherche" (UMR) of the French Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) since january 2016.


The laboratory is organized into four research groups:

- MSC Group : Composite Materials and Structures
- SUMO Group : Surfaces, Machining, Materials and Tools
- MS2M Group : Modelling of Mechanical Systems and Microsystems
- MICS Group : Metrology, Identification, Control and Monitoring

It is also composed of a team of administrative and technical support (ESTA group).


ICA has about 80 research professors, 20 temporary researchers, 20 administratives, ingineers and technicians, 90 doctoral students, as well as many students. With the peculiarity of counting:

- Insitutionally, people belonging to four major institutions: UPS and INSA from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, ISAE from the Ministry of Defence, and IMT Mines Albi from the Ministry of Industry.
- Geographically, staff is distributed in four cities of the Midi-Pyrénées region: Albi, Figeac, Tarbes and Toulouse.
Management is composed of a director and two deputy directors, three ministries are represented in this trio. The technical support team is organized into three components, one for each ministry.

Each research group brings together staff from different institutions and at different locations.