Systems and Microsystems Engineering (ISM)

The research carried out within the research axis Systems and Microsystem Ingineering (ISM) aims in particular to develop optimal multidisciplinary, preliminary or project phase design methods, whether or not there are uncertainties. Studies are also analysing the behaviour of mechanical microsystems and micro-flows generated within them, which have original specificities linked to high containment. Finally, design assistance tools for the sizing of high-tech systems and actuators are developed.

  • Topic ISM-1 : Optimal multidisciplinary design or under uncertainty
    Keywords: optimal design, uncertainty management, robustness, reliability, topological optimization

  • Topic ISM-2 : Microfluidic and mechanical microsystems
    Keywords: micro-gas flows, mini and micro-fluidic systems, micro-pumps, fluid actuator, hydrodynamic focusing

  • Topic ISM-3 : Systems and embarked actuators
    Keywords: on-board actuators, mechanical assemblies, electromechanical defrost, system simulation, Preliminary conception


Organizers of the axis ISM: Marc Budinger and Nicolas Binaud

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